Sunday, September 28, 2008


Ignition is our high school youth group at my church. I am an iGroup leader, which means I have a small group that I lead and discuss the topic from the night. I have about 9 freshman girls and I love them already and it has only been 2 weeks. They seem very eager to learn, open to asking questions, being themselves and being involved in group. Tonight we talked about Jesus' disciples and how Jesus asked them to drop everything and follow him. We read several scriptures and then watched Rob Bell's "Dust" video. It was really great for the students to hear because they often wonder, why would a man just drop everything he is doing and follow Jesus. Well, after watching the Rob Bell video we broke into small groups and discussed what we had learned tonight. A few of the girls spoke and said it made much more sense after watching the video. The video basically explained that everyone back then wanted to be like the Rabbi so these young boys would prepare themselves to know everything they could about being a Rabbi and then when their time came and the Rabbi came to them he would put them through many "screenings" to see if they knew the Torah and could do what he could do. Some passed and some didn't. Then the vidoe talked about how Jesus has faith in us and asked, "What if we believe we can live the way Jesus lives?" I posed that question tonight in our group. I posed it in the way of, "What would your lives look like to live the way Jesus lived?" Several of them answered with good answers....some basic answers and some more complex. I think it is so interesting that these girls are so eager to learn and how simple their thoughts really are at this stage in life. I am used to working with younger children so this is a slight adjustment for me but a very good one. I definately feel called to be with this age group and help build the foundation of their faith so they can go into the world and to college after HS and take all that they have learned with them instead of just leaving it behind at home or at church.

Lord, I pray of these young girls Lord that they would seek you daily. I am impressed that they even think about that right now Lord because when I was their age I was never taught that. But they seem so eager to learn about you Lord and know you more. I pray for those who aren't as mature in their faith right now that they would continue coming back to Ignition to learn more and soak in some of what is being said. I pray that as questions arise or prayer requests come up that they would e-mail me or each other. I pray that they would build a strong community at school to keep each other accountable. Thank you Lord for giving me this desire to work with these girls. Lord give me wisdom and knowledge to help the students feel comfortable in our group. Thank you Lord. I love you! AMEN!

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